Jerry L. Jaccard
Honorary member of the IKS
Honorary member of the IKS
Honorary member of the IKS
Honorary member of the IKS
Eleanor G. "Toni" Locke passed away
Dr. László Eősze is 90 years old
Concert of the New Ferenc Liszt Chamber Choir
Newly designed and expanded online American Folk Song Collection
Lajos Bárdos was born 115 years ago
HNU Kodály Program Receives $75,000 Grant,
+ $10,000 Grant
A Tear in the Curtain: The Musical Diplomacy of Erzsébet Szőnyi: Musician, Composer, Teacher of Teachers
by Jerry L. Jaccard
Éva Andor died on 16th May 2014
Obituaries for Darlene Ngo and John Barron
Concert celebrating the 90th birthday of
Erzsébet Szőnyi
Zoltán Kodály: Psalmus Hungaricus - Greek Première
CHORALIES: Choir Conducting Master Class with Frieder Bernius and the Stuttgart Chamber Choir in Vaison-la-Romaine (France) from July 27th to August 1st 2014.
2014 OAKE Lifetime Achievement Award recipients: Laurdella Foulkes Levy, Christine Jordanoff, Elizabeth "Betsy" Moll, Rita Klinger
Promotional video about the Provo district schools using the Kodály approach.
Katalin Forrai: Kodály’s Ambassador for Excellence
Speech by Elizabeth Moll
Denise Bacon (1920-2013)
János Starker (1924-2013)
Talk given by Mary Skone-Roberts at the IKS Symposium in Kecskemét, 2013
45th Kodály Summer Institute
A new CD with works of Zoltán Kodály and Béla Bartók was presented under the label Challenge Classics in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The pianist, Valentina Tóth (18), studies at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague.
Szuromi concert in Geneva
Article by Edouard Garo in French
Kodály's Bicinia Hungarica and Tricinia on CD
The Kodály Institute At McNeese State University - 20th Summer
IKS Honorary Member Pierre Perron is sharing an international honour with his musician wife, Margaret
Extensive interview with Gail Needleman in the Works&Conversations magazine
Thoughts about a CD.
New Glover-Curwen hand sign font - True Type music fonts Read more...
Ann Eisen and Lamar Robertson about their contact with Kodály's vision
Works for Mixed Choir
Vol. 1 (1903-1936) and
Vol. 2 (1937-1947)